GATE Syllabus Released
IIT Delhi has released the GATE 2020 syllabus for all branches along with the official brochure in the month of September 2019.Everyone will be able to download the GATE 2020 syllabus from the official website of GATE 2020. However, until then, candidates can refer to the GATE syllabus of previous years and continue with their preparation for the exam. This is because the GATE syllabus hasn’t changed much in the past few years and it is likely to remain the same for GATE 2020. Having a thorough knowledge of the GATE syllabus 2020 is a must for each and every candidate. In this article, we have provided GATE syllabus 2020 for all branches or paper codes. You can also download them for your reference at any time.
Mechanical Engineering
We have provided last year’s GATE syllabus as the conducting body is yet to release the GATE 2020 syllabus. Although there will be no major change in the GATE syllabus, candidates are advised to go through the GATE syllabus 2020 once it is released to see if any new topic has been added. We will also update this article once the official GATE 2020 brochure is released.
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