The ( UPBTE) BTEUP Result 2017 will be declared soon (in #August ) . The BTEUP Semester Exam Result can be checked at the links below. The UP BTE Board Polytechnic Diploma Semester exam result will be published together for all semesters. Stay connected with us for the BTEUP news and updates. #CLICK for more information Good News For all regular and private students who are study in Uttar Pradesh Board of technical Education (UPBTE) is going to declare 2nd, 4th, 6th semester Result 2017 on official website. This result is veiled for Regular, Private, Ex-Students, Non-College students. Now they are able to check BTEUP Result 2017 on main web portal of University. After the examination some boys and girls students have forgotten their admit card now they unable to check their result. So don’t worry students BTEUP is provide name and roll number wise result link so you are able to che...